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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

29th September 2011
Hiking - Walking: Arboretum de St. Sauveur des Porcils-France
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Weather: sunny and warm
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Thursday 29th Sept – Relax, a little travelling, walk ***** sunny and warm
We set off for breakfast on our rock again but without the swim this time! We ate our muesli watching the crayfish again .I did my exercises while Mag wondered up to the bridge and found a channel dig out by kids in a stony bar and spent an hour clearing it out and making it flow again !!! while I read my book. We added a snake to our list of things we have seen at this glorious place :) Couldn’t believe that it was after 1 when we got back to the van. Drove off through the most stunning scenery yet (and that’s saying something!) through the Gorges du Trevezel. We stopped briefly in a town called Treves then drove on and found a footpath to the Arboretum de St. Sauveur des Porcils – 1.5km. We walked up to the most wonderful arboretum of trees, lots sporting their beautiful autumn colours. The footpath was well marked and took us to a waterfall then traced its way over the hills and amazingly back to the van. We thought we were lost a few times but no! On again to St Saveur Camprieu where we found a lake to have a late lunch. Just started to eat and could hear bells nearby and a farmer appeared with 3 dogs herding a huge flock of sheep and goats past the lake – quite a sight :) Drove on up through the ski resort of Prat Peyrot to the beautiful Mont Aigoual, 1567m. There is a meteosite housed in a castle at the top which records the most incredible wind speeds and rainfall because of its unique position and height. There is also another arboretum here so hope to have a look at that tomorrow. Mag forgot her tree book earlier today but she reckons she will finish it with all the trees we hope to see tomorrow! We had a wander round and a chat with an English couple from Winchester in another camper on the other side of the car park. The sunset was brilliant – really bright orange sun in a pinky sky with the mountains and hills as a backdrop. Had a make do tea of beans and left over’s tonight as only had lunch a 5! Did some star gazing before going to bed. No light pollution up here and the sky is beyond belief!

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